The new Fen Bridge

The bridge was removed by Suffolk County Council in January, having been closed to pedestrian and river traffic since 2020. Fen Bridge has been used as a crossing over the River Stour for centuries, as part of the public footpath network and an earlier bridge was used by painter John Constable as part of his route …

Landscape Lens Project

The Dedham Vale AONB & Stour Valley Project recently announced that the Landscape Lens project is now live! This project is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund with 10 fixed-point photography posts installed throughout the Dedham Vale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to celebrate over half a century of the area’s protected designation and …

Bradbury’s Britain – River Stour

A lovely & relaxing time had by all with particular thanks to River Stour Trust volunteers (Jim, Paul, Gill & Bob). The segment about Sudbury and River Stour that we filmed with Julia Bradbury aired at 10.45am this morning (19 May 2022) on… This Morning. Missed it? Catch up on ITV Player.

Springing into Easter!

Our boat trips and tea room return this Easter weekend at Sudbury and Flatford. We had some concerns at the kower end of the river due to trees obstructing the river and low water levels reported today but Trusty is now at her mooring and ready to go tomorrow! Why not come and visit us …

Fen Bridge – Update 2022

The bridge was finally removed by Suffolk County Council in January 2022. It had been closed since April/May 2020 because the structure was unsafe (see news item) so the footpath and navigation were temporaily closed. Temporary portage points were installed to enable small craft a means of being able to continue along the navigation without passing under …